Correspondance as “神契”:Redefinition on Baudelaire's Correspondence Thought
Abstract: Baudelaire's Correspondance Thought as a branch of modernity theory has a great influence on academia.Some representative Chinese translate versions of Correspondance,such as “应和”“交响”“契合”“通感”“感应”,tend to restore the integrality between human and the world as a whole from the perspective of literary history,but cannot highlight its transcendental significance.Correspondance Thought possesses some non-real realism connotation such as divinity,infinity and aesthetic salvation as following three aspects: Horizontal Correspondance integrates sensory,people and the world by physical intuition and “broaden” language,Vertical Correspondance centers on symbols and reaches absolute beauty from finite to infinite,and dandy as hero of modern life tries to take aesthetic redemption as his own duty.Considering the transcendental significance of Correspondance Thought,Chinese translate version“神契”is more reasonable than “应和”“契合”,which would provide a new theoretical horizon possibility for Baudelaire's research.