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Citation: [J]. Academic Monthly, 2017, 49(06).
. The Internal Logic of “Sharing Economy” and Public Policy. Academic Monthly, 2018, 50(04): 86-97.
LI Zhijun . Constructing China’s Independent Public Policy Evaluation Knowledge System:Necessity,Frameworks and Approaches. Academic Monthly, 2024, 56(4): 5-15.
LI Youmei . New Public Nature and Paradigm Innovation of Theory of Chinese Society Transformation. Academic Monthly, 2024, 56(2): 5-20.
Shuisheng CHEN . Public Policy Failure and Its Prevention: An Integrated Analysis Framework. Academic Monthly, 2022, 54(2): 91-102.
Honghua MEN . International Strategic Studies in China’s New Era. Academic Monthly, 2018, 50(11): 68-76.
Zhenru WU . New Research Paradigm in Applied Economics: the Scale-free Network and the Product Space. Academic Monthly, 2019, 51(5): 47-57.
Xin GU , Qi ZHAO . The Government’s Functioning of Meta-governance in Public Innovation. Academic Monthly, 2023, 55(1): 69-80.
Yong REN . The Problem-driven, Theoretical Sources and Academic Construction of Social Public Security Research. Academic Monthly, 2019, 51(3): 70-81.
Yucheng LIANG , Jia YIN . Proactivity and Reactivity: Study on China’s Skilled Migration Policies. Academic Monthly, 2021, 53(8): 135-148.
Meng HOU . Paradigm of Empirical Legal Research: Compared with Normative Legal Research. Academic Monthly, 2021, 53(3): 99-105.
Leijie WEI . Absence of Subjectivity in the Study of International Law in China: Reflection and Disenchantment. Academic Monthly, 2020, 52(8): 142-156.
CHEN Shiyi . Economic Growth and Environmental Justice —— Evidence from China's Economic Zone Program. Academic Monthly, 2023, 55(7): 31-45.
Jinglun YUE , Ke FANG . From Social Status-based to Human Needs-based Social Policy: the Changes of Chinese Social Policy Paradigm and the Construction of the “Social China”. Academic Monthly, 2019, 51(2): 68-77.
Zai LIANG , Nan WANG . Studies on China and the 21st Century International Immigration. Academic Monthly, 2021, 53(8): 123-134.
ZHANG Guangting . The Belt and Road Initiative and Theoretical Innovation in International Politics and Economy —— An Analytical Framework. Academic Monthly, 2023, 55(9): 43-57.
Minli NIE . Shi and Modern Public Intelecturals. Academic Monthly, 2022, 54(10): 23-32.
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