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Citation: [J]. Academic Monthly, 2017, 49(06).
ZHONG Xia . The Ideological Thread of the Connection between Heidegger’s Phenomenology with Aesthetics. Academic Monthly, 2024, 56(5): 157-167.
Yongjian GUO . Intersubjectivity and Chinese Contemporary Aesthetics. Academic Monthly, 2019, 51(10): 139-149.
ZOU Huan . . Academic Monthly, 2018, 50(8): 140-148.
LU Ming . Mindset and Chinese Economic Transition—— Take the Spatial-political Economy of Regional Development as an Example. Academic Monthly, 2024, 56(5): 32-43.
Shipeng WANG . “The Phenomenological Turn” in Self Research and New Resolution of Self-paradox. Academic Monthly, 2020, 52(2): 20-29, 19.
HU Jun . The Aesthetic Imagery Creation of Chinese Landscape Painting from the Perspective of Neuroaesthetics. Academic Monthly, 2024, 56(5): 168-178.
Zhongjun LIN . Reflection and Reconstruction of the Contemporary Studies of The Book of Change in China. Academic Monthly, 2023, 55(1): 31-38.
HE Haoping . Phenomenological Approaches to Phenomenal Consciousness and Their Integration. Academic Monthly, 2023, 55(11): 28-38.
YIN Zhaokun . The Third Possibility of the Phenomenological Metaphysics— The Study on the Problem of Reality in Scheler’s Phenomenology. Academic Monthly, 2023, 55(6): 28-37.
. The “United Front” in Literature and the Reconstruction of Contemporary Literature in China after 1949—— On the Literary Works of Mei Niang, Zhou Zuoren and Eileen Chang in Yi Bao Field in the 1950s. Academic Monthly, 2018, 50(04): 98-107.
Pingyuan CHEN . Politics and Aesthetics of Voice. Academic Monthly, 2022, 54(1): 146-166.
NI Liangkang . “Pure Consciousness” Research and Its “Hard Problem” and “Easy Problem”. Academic Monthly, 2023, 55(11): 5-14.
Shuifa HAN . Husserl’s Transcendentality and Transcendence. Academic Monthly, 2021, 53(2): 13-35.
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