作者简介:黄飞,上海财经大学马克思主义学院讲师(上海 200433)
摘要: 光绪五年至光绪六年,清廷内部政争激烈,发生于此时期的中日琉球交涉笼罩在其阴影之下。恭亲王奕䜣、沈桂芬主导的总理衙门与李鸿章共同掌控对日外交的话语权,形成清政府的对日外交底线,然而这一“同盟”在边防危机引发的政治博弈中瓦解:清流围绕“崇厚使俄案”展开搏击,造成原有中央决策系统的撕裂,为更好处理对俄关系,两宫太后引惇亲王、醇亲王、潘祖荫与翁同龢进入决策班底,并启用南书房作为临时办公地,还命四人参与对琉球分割条约的会商,导致恭亲王、沈桂芬一系的决策权受到挑战;与此同时,李鸿章与沈桂芬渐行渐远,由支持草签琉球分割条约转向上奏反对,并获得淮系疆臣的支持。最终,琉球分割条约被废止。
The Ryukyu Negotiation and Political Controversies in the Qing Government during the 5th and 6th Year of Guangxu’s Reign
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Abstract: There were fierce political controversies in the Manchu court, during the 5th and 6th year of Emperor Guangxu’s reign, which affected the Ryukyu negotiation between China and Japan.The Premiers Office and Li Hongzhang jointly controlled the discourse power of diplomacy with Japan, and formed the bottom line of Qing government’s diplomacy. However, this “alliance” disintegrated in the political games caused by the border defense crises: Qingliu (“清流”) launched a fight around the case of “Chonghou’s negotiation with Russia”, which resulted in the tearing of the original central decision-making system. In order to better deal with the relations with Russia, Empress Dowager Ci Xi and Ci An introduced Prince Dun, Prince Chun, Pan Zuyin and Weng Tonghe into the decision-making group, and used “South Study” (“南书房”) as a temporary office. They also ordered four persons to participate in the discussion of the Ryukyu division treaty draft, which challenged the decision-making power of Prince Gong and Shen Guifen. At the same time, Li Hongzhang and Shen Guifen went further and further away, changing his attitude from supporting the Ryukyu division treaty draft to opposing it and gaining supports from local governors of the Huai system. In the end, the Ryukyu division treaty was abolished.