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Citation: [J]. Academic Monthly, 2017, 49(06).
Yawen CHEN . Civic Virtues and Ethical Virtues: A Hint from the Ethics of Caring. Academic Monthly, 2019, 51(7): 22-30.
ZHANG Shuping . . Academic Monthly, 2018, 50(9): 110-120.
ZHANG Xiang . . Academic Monthly, 2018, 50(6): 67-77.
LU Zhipeng . General Government and Functional Separation of Power Theory—— A theoretical construction based on contemporary Chinese government and political practice. Academic Monthly, 2024, 56(12): 73-85.
YU Zhenhua,ZHENG Weiping . . Academic Monthly, 2023, 55(12): 204-211.
SUN Wanhuai . Is Free Will the Rational Basis of Responsibilitism. Academic Monthly, 2023, 55(8): 106-122.
Zhongqi WANG . Dispatched Responsibilty: An Effective Mechanism of Responsive Government Construction. Academic Monthly, 2022, 54(11): 84-95, 120.
“Ancient Literati Entering Shu Commonly”: The Formation of A Literary Geography ConceptGE Yonghai . “Ancient Literati Entering Shu Commonly”:The Formation of A Literary Geography Concept. Academic Monthly, 2024, 56(6): 132-146.
Hongquan LIAN , Jialin JIANG . Could Dialect Skill Act as a Signal of Social Identification. Academic Monthly, 2020, 52(4): 55-68.
Xiaoyi ZHANG , Huaiyu LIU . Metro-Marxism as a Paradigm of Urban Research. Academic Monthly, 2020, 52(3): 34-42, 33.
LIN Hua . The Logic of Rule of Law in Urban Renewal: Interest Balance and Procedural Construction. Academic Monthly, 2023, 55(5): 94-105.
Xin DAI . “The Pretense of Not Knowing”: A Basic Privacy Norm. Academic Monthly, 2021, 53(4): 104-117.
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