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Leizhen ZANG , Yifei ZHU . Process and Context: A Social Science Causal Approach. Academic Monthly, 2023, 55(4): 33-44.
Xin HE . Study on Law with Experience:Based on External Perspectives of Social Sciences. Academic Monthly, 2021, 53(3): 106-113.
Jinzhao CHEN . The Construction Significance of Jurisprudence to Chinese Philosophy and Social Science System. Academic Monthly, 2019, 51(4): 106-120.
Jiantao REN . Calling the Soul of Theory: The Perspective of Social Sciences Examining “the Modern”. Academic Monthly, 2023, 55(4): 5-16.
Zhao Dingxin . . Academic Monthly, 2024, 56(12): 200-210.
YU Wen . Humanities and Social Sciences: Paradigm Breakthroughs and Retheorizing(Symposium). Academic Monthly, 2024, 56(6): 112-131.
Xuewei ZHAI . Cross-culture, Translation and Indigenization of Social Sciences. Academic Monthly, 2022, 54(5): 128-140.
Zhang Kangzhi . . Academic Monthly, 2018, 50(5): 78-87.
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