English Translation of the Concepts Related to the “Chinese Nation” and the Evolution of Its Connotations since Modern Times
摘要: 近代以来,“中华民族”相关概念的英译有一段较长的演变过程。与中文“中华民族”一词的早期内涵一样,辜鸿铭最初所使用的the Chinese nation多指汉人。毕范宇、李培恩通过翻译孙中山著作而在处理“中华民族”相关概念的英译问题方面取得了一定的进步,特别是毕范宇区分了nation和race,李培恩有意识地用Han来称汉人,为解决“中华民族”相关概念英文翻译中的范围问题以及多层次性问题奠定了基础。《中国之命运》的英译者将汉人和中国人进行了精确区分,汉人用Han专称,中国人通常用Chinese来指称,明晰了the Chinese nation表示现代中国全体国民的含义以及现代中国认同的多层次性。概念的翻译并不是简单的语言转换,而是对原始文本的再创造,在再创造过程中,会呈现出不同政治力量对同一问题的不同阐释,这背后则与他们所倡导和遵循的不同政治理念有关。国民党长期以来主张建构以中华民族为国族的单一民族国家,对境内各民族的民族地位通常持否定态度,因此《中国之命运》的官方翻译也会秉持对境内各民族去民族化的原则。而中国共产党则是要建设一个统一的多民族国家,对相关概念的英文翻译一方面会突出中华民族代表中国全体国民,另一方面也强调各民族具有民族地位,同时还会表明两种“民族”存在着差异。Abstract: The English translation of the concepts related to the “Chinese nation” has undergone a long process of evolution since modern times. Consistently with the term’s early connotations, Gu Hongming first used “Chinese nation” while predominantly referring to the Han people. In translating Sun Zhongshan’s works, Frank W. Price, and Li Peien made progress in dealing with the English translation of concepts related to the “Chinese nation.” Specifically, Frank W. Price differentiated between “nation” and “race” and Li Peien intentionally used “Han” to refer to the Han people, which laid the foundation for solving the problem of scope and multi-levelness in the English translation of concepts concerning the “Chinese nation.” The English translators of China’s Destiny distinguishes Hans from the Chinese, the former designating the Han people and the latter designating the Chinese people, thereby clarifying the meaning of the “Chinese nation” for the entire population of modern China and the multi-layered nature of modern Chinese identity. The translation of concepts is not a simple linguistic conversion, but a re-creation of the original text, during which different political forces will present different interpretations of the same issue, which is related to the different political ideas they advocate and follow. The Kuomintang has long advocated for the construction of a nation-state with the Chinese nation as the national race and has often adopted a negative attitude toward the nationality status of the various nationalities within its borders. Thus, the official translation of China’s Destiny will also uphold the principle of de-nationalizing the various nationalities within its borders. Contrastingly, the Communist Party of China aims to establish a unified, multi-national country. The English translation of the relevant concepts will, on one hand, emphasize that the Chinese nation represents all Chinese people. On the other hand, it will emphasize that all nationalities have a nationality status, while indicating the difference between the two “minzus.”

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